Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day cometh...

A change of pace here today. I'll take a break from my "treasure" photography to prepare for the coming holiday. Being of little motivation, as I have noted, I'll not be going overboard, but I must do some spiffing up and some food preparation.

I have been seeing some interesting recipes, from Mexican Roasted Corn and Jalapeno Potato Salad, to Oven Roasted Green Beans with Pancetta. Yummy sounding!

Now if I could just come up with a main dish!

I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend!



  1. Thank you for your nice comment on my blog and welcome to Blogland!
    Good luck with your decluttering.
    I wish I could be motivated to that.

  2. Well, I wouldn't say I'm "motivated" actually, but thanks for the vote of confidence! Definitely going to get going! After the Holiday....

    You should check out blogger
    She's a stitcher who recently visited Spain. Some great photos there!
